Navigating Conflicting Claims Regarding the Aqeedah of the Four Imams and the Salaf

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The status of the Salaf As-Saaliheen - along with the four Imams in Fiqh - is lofty in the eyes of every Sunni Muslim. For that reason, different sects ascribe themselves to these great Imams, and each sect claims that such Imams are upon their ways. Recognizing the true path that they were upon is crucial to ensuring that one is on the right path, and not caught up amongst deviant groups falsely ascribing themselves to such great Imams. The clearest way to knowing the path of the great Imams is by reading their works, and the works of their students. After all, there is no person that is more truthful in regards to the true creed of an Imam than the Imam himself, followed by his students. Hence, it is important to familiarize oneself with the statements of the Imams which have been preserved by way of authentic chain of narration. For instance, one who looks to follow the way of Imam Ash-Shaafi’ee must read his statement in regards to his Aqeedah as preserved by Ibn Abee Ya'laa with his chain (and others such as Al-Yaasoofee). One should also familiarize themself with the Aqeedah work authored by the main student of Ash-Shaafi'ee - Imam Al-Muzani - who's "Sharh As-Sunnah" has been preserved. One should also look at his (Al-Muzani's) student, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Is-haaq ibn Khuzaimah, and his Aqeedah work "Kitaab At-Tawheed". One should also recognize his (Ibn Khuzaimah's) student, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Al-Husain Al-Aajurree, and his Aqeedah work "Ash-Sharee'ah". And so on so forth. Only then may one be comfortable understanding the Aqeedah of their Imam - Imam Ash-Shaafi’ee.